Un ejemplo de estafa

Os adjunto, para que podáis ver, un ejemplo de las muchas estafas que hay relacionadas con el empleo. Pusieron un anuncio a través de Gumtree pidiendo personal, y este es el mail que me ha llegado tras haber enviado mi CV.

1. Que en Londres paguen 8.50 libras/ hora como Kitchen Porter (friegaplatos) ya es raro.
2. ¿Para qué quieren los datos bancarios?
4. ¿Qué es eso de pagar 50 libras por un Ukash Voucher?
5. He mirado por internet y la empresa no existe.

No respodáis a este tipo de mails nunca.


Dear Applicant
We are glad to inform you that after carefully reviewing your CV for the post of a KITCHEN PORTER our company advertised, you have been selected to join our team. There will be a 2 days induction and training which will start on the 30th November and end on 1st of December 2012 from 10am to 1pm each day at #190-194 Northumberland Avenue, London , WC2N 5BW

The two days training will be fully paid for and you are expected to come with your original documents;
Passport /Birth Certificate/ID card (showing your right to work in the UK)
Utility bill (showing current address)
N.I number
Bank/Building Society/Local Post Office details (for your wages)
The Confidential Application Form (print out)
The pay rate for your position will be £8.50 an hour, your shift pattern will be 9 hours a day, 5 days on and 2 days off, there is morning shift ( 7am-4pm) and night shift (9pm- 6am) and you will be paid every forth night(two weeks). The company will issue you a uniform on the induction/training day and you will be allocated the office site to work with other of our staff in the city of London.
Please e-mail us back the following, on or before the 29th of November 2012;
Your uniform size (ie Shirt, Trousers and Suit Jacket)
The mode of payment for your CRB check (Ukash Voucher).
As a result of recent Government changes to the vetting and barring scheme(VBS) the cost of Enhanced CRB check is £50.Due to insurance purposes and our client’s policy we cannot accept CRB done outside the company
The Ukash is a new safe and secure payment method that we use for effective payment for CRB fees.You can buy this Ukash in any Newsagent Shops or Off Licence Top Up Shops with a Paypoint,Payzone or epay services can issue you a Ukash voucher for £50.The Ukash voucher 19 digits numbers is what we require you to email us back for your CRB payment fees and also to ensure that your job placement is still effective. The CRB fees will only be refunded on your next wages if the report comes back satisfactory. The company will delist your name from the job placement list if we do not receive your uniform sizes and the Ukash voucher numbers.
The deadline for the submission by email of your uniform sizes and £50 Ukash voucher numbers for your CRB fees will be on the 29th of November 2012, no work placement will be offered without any of the above and you will not be eligible to come in for the three day training and induction. We are extremely very busy this period and may not be able to respond to your inquiries. We will give you any more information needed on the training/induction day and we are glad to welcome you to our company. Attached is a confidential application form, please print, fill in all relevant sections and bring it with you on the day of induction/training.
Recruitment Dept
Fronty Agency
Tel/Fax: 02088075009


  1. http://thechallengeuk.com/
    Tampoco os fieis de supuestas empresas de soportte como esta que cito, aunque hay cientos. Te piden dinero por que te expidan el permiso de trabajo y eso es ilegal. En Reino Unido solo se necesita el NIN que es como nuestra segurdad social, y se expide una vez que tienes el contrato de trabajo, no antes, y cuesta uno 30€. Las supuestas ofertas de trabajo son pruebas de un día, te deslomas y ni cobras ni te dan el trabajo.
    Si estais pensando en salir a trabajar al extranjero, contactac directamente con las empresas ofertantes, o a traves del conslado, nunca a traves de estas empresas piratas, que se aprovechan de la fiscalidad del pais para sacar cuartos. En Reino Unido, para montar una LTD, sólo te piden que esté alli afincada.

    1. Totalmente... Que nadie pague por trabajar porque es una estafa en toda regla. Afortunadamente todavía no se ha llegado a ese punto en el que uno tenga que desembolsar cierta cantidad para conseguir un trabajo.

      Gracias por tu aportación!!


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